Is anyone here as fed up with Y!A's new format as I am!?

Bob M2014-01-25T04:52:21Z

Favorite Answer

Because I saw a question from you Mike ~ I'm writing an answer.
Y!A is in my past and I don't even bother coming here anymore (as you may have noticed).
They've changed everything to the point where I don't give a s**t anymore and hell will freeze over before I'm regularly active again!
Bye Y!A and sayonara Mike.
BTW ~~~~ it woud appear that I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've only seen about 3 questions from all of my contacts in the last 2 months whereas before .... I would see 2 or 3 questions everyday!!
Happy New Year Mike ~ all the best and stay warm over there. I believe it's bloody cold in the USA now.
Ciao mate.


Hey Mike!
I come on here rarely now. I can't stand the new format. It's too cluttered and I can't get where I want to go on it. What ever were they thinking when they designed this mess?


Uhmm.....what new format? In the last week, or so, mine's gone from the last one (the newer one) back to the old one. I don't have to go to Canada anymore.


Use this old format

I got the link from another user, so I don't get credit for it. But it's working so far.

Mr. Smith2014-01-25T11:27:13Z

I don't like it either. I've been having problems with a lot of Yahoo stuff lately.

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