Days fans - What's the worst thing Nick can demand from?

everyone that was in on his near death experience? Is it what he'll want from Gabi, Sami, Kate? I think he will stoop as low as demanding daddy time with Ari, and Will is going to have to go along with it. He might even make Gabi marry him all over again. Thoughts?

Kitty 22014-01-25T05:39:17Z

Favorite Answer

It wouldn't surprise me if he black mailed Will , Sonny, Gabi , Sami and Kate. And yes I bet he will try and get Gabi to marry him again. He will play this to the hilt.


He may try to force Gabi back into marriage, but with Gabi's time limited on the show I don't see that happening unless they are recasting her unless she decides to marry him and they move to New York with the promise that he leaves everyone else alone since they were just trying to help her since he did attack her that night

They are not aware2014-01-25T17:01:31Z

I don't have a clue what Nick would want from any of them; surely he wouldn't still want Gabi. Would he? But he has all of them in the palm of his hand. Including EJ if he is the one taking pictures of the lovers on Smith Island. He is going to wind up making someone kill him for real, I think. Wouldn't it be hilarious if it were Julie that off'ed him the "next" time?


Only thing I know for sure: He's about to make life miserable for a lot of people. And since the actress who plays Gabi is leaving the show, I wouldn't be surprised if he kills her.


Lol who knows? I think he will force Gabi into marrying her and force Will to g evil jis pare goal rights. He has dirt on everyone it's no telling what this psycho will do next.

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