To all Christians: Are you a Church Sunday Christian or a everywhere at all times Jesusonian Christian ?

Please share why you so do, the benefits and contrasts, etc.

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Love, peace and progress in Spirit and in Father-Son Eternal Truth !


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Many years ago, Jesus set me free from a self-destructive lifestyle.

I was NOT raised in a Christian home, and we were taught that Jesus was a liar and a deceiver, and possibly a lunatic; but above all else, very definitely dead.

I have said many times, but I'll repeat it again, that it's amazing how that once you actually meet someone, you can no longer deny his existence; and that is also true of Jesus.

Like I said, Jesus set me free from a self-destructive lifestyle - because someone prayed for me.

Now, of course, I am fully convinced that He was exactly who He claimed to be, the very Son of God, who died for MY sins, then rose again the third day, just as He said He would do, thus proving once and for all time that He IS the Son of God.

I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I AM saying that I have a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, ever since He adopted me into His Forever Family. This isn't a once-a-week relationship or commitment any more than my marriage could be considered a week-end marriage. It's for life and beyond.

Thank you for asking.


I am a Born Again Christian - Washed in the Blood of the Lamb - My sins have been forgiven - I have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire.

I go to Church on Sunday to Worship, Praise and Glorify God. To hear and listen to His word - the truth.

I try to live a life pleasing to God and adhere to what the Bible says. It's 24/7. I'm In It -- To Win It!! :D


The Bible says the Sabbath is from the time the sun sets on Fridays, until it sets on Saturdays!
Those that are worshipping on Sundays are still obeying an order made by the Roman ruler Constantine from the forth century that ordered the Sabbath changed to the same day as the believers of the fake sun-god worshippers (that were "having fun killing Christians), so they would not be able to tell them apart from themselves!


I promise everyone. There can be too much religion in your life.
It becomes an irritation when one cannot speak without hearing praises or
referring to putting "God" first. Some see devout people. I see Pharisees.


the sunday service is a part of my life of faith. but it need much more to be complete satisfied.


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