My 2000 Honda CR-V won't, any suggestions?

The other night I decided to run some fuel injector cleaner through the vacuum line of my CR-V (Sea Foam brand as I have done many times in the past). While pouring it in, the engine stalls, as it very often does if I'm not careful about how fast I pour in the fluid, but now it won't restart. When you turn the key it just revs and revs but never seems to fire. I had a friend check one of the plug wires while I cranked it and advised he didn't see any spark. Did I manage to royally screw something up or do you think the failure of my distributer/distriber cab just happened to be at the same time I was doing the injector cleaning? Not sure how to proceed, never repaired anything having to do with the ignition so I'm kind of at a loss. Any input appreciated.


Tried that a few times without luck bandit, even let it sit about 24 hours thinking I might have REALLY flooded it


all you did was flood it ! hold the gas clean to the floor and crank the engine, after it fires up then slowly let your foot off the gas pedal !


Could have broken the timing belt.