Is anyone else having trouble with Y!A today?

It says I've reached my limit for answers (after 3 or so for the day?), and that some questions are deleted---then shows them and their answers after a bit.


Thank you all. Glad to know it's not just me!!


Favorite Answer

Yes...I had to try 3 times to ask a question-they kept telling me I didn't have enough points which is ridiculous.
Then I tried to answer a question-they said it was deleted at first,then it showed up.
Glitches are nothing new for Yahoo,though, they happen all the time.


I received same message-after asking one question. Have no idea why. Didn't know we had a limit to the number of questions we could post. guess that keeps the YH gurus workload at their minimum- 'Cause no one is addressing the many concerns of the YH community. I also had 2 of my questions deleted -per "yahoo Community Guidelines" -???


Got some error messages and the site was seriously lagging at times, but hitting F5 to refresh the page solved the problems.


Yes, I am having the same problem.



Had to log in backwards.

Could not log in regular way so I went to mail after trying and was in mail.

Opened deleted mail re an answer and got in to YA Answers that way.


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