Sire will have nothing to do with ***** in heat?

Before you start going off with comments about the pet population. I breed show dogs.
I have a sire that is 5 years old and has been used at least 4 times, he knows what to do.
I have a ***** in heat and is READY to stand, like she is putting her stuff all up in his face and flagging. He sniffs her and won't make any effort whatsoever to mount her. He is interested in his first love, we had to have her spayed but that's been over 2 years ago.

Any suggestions?


Favorite Answer

Obvious BYBer is obvious

You dont breed show dogs. You bred BYBer mutts. You clearly know nothing about breeding at all and since none of your mutts are shown, titled, have no known blood lines and are breed for money, that makes you a common BYBer

Frankie Hyenadog2014-02-05T00:48:11Z

If you really bred show dogs you'd be asking your breed mentor or other breeders you've met while showing. You wouldn't be asking people on an online question site.

So I call BULL on your "show breeder" story.

Good job using such technical terms as "her stuff"
its called a vulva. The external female anatomy. Technically, female human external reproductive anatomy is called a vulva. the vagina is the internal part that leads to the cervix and uterus.


There's a bug and I can answer as many times as I want muhahahaha

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