cancelled... can't progress??

So... I'm pretty much a big noob in starbound...and I accidentally cancelled the mission "Out of the frying pan". After building and finishing my house and scrambling to try to fix it...I have pretty much given up. In the game under the "Failed Quests" tab I see the mission. I've searched around and can't seem to find out how to activate it again. I would show a screenshot but yahoo doesn't like that. Anyways.... each button is blacked out. I can't press the option to "Set as current" Basically I've screwed up the rest of the game since I can't progress through any of the missions now. So my question is... is it possible for me to reactivate the mission once it's been cancelled?

Rabisca Julian2014-02-07T09:17:29Z

Favorite Answer

the game is still under development and quests have been paused after "tutorial". You must research a little to know what to do next, but I think it goes something like create stress beacon, activate it on the surface of a planet, fight the first boss, then you'll get some item and craft mk2 starmap and "eat" it, which will unlock another kind of planets. Check the navigation map, there'll be two tabs, so you have "leveled up". Sorry, I wrote this by memory, I've done it quite a while ago so I may have said something wrong. Just check the starbound wiki. Don't give up on the game, it's an amazing game with way more stuff coming around the corner, including many many quests.

But to answer you directly no, you can't reactivate quests, just start a new character. If you really like the house you've made it will still be there with your new character. Just save the coordinates and go back there