So I should definitely forget about her, right?

Had a phone call with my ex girlfriend. We're both 17. She told me she would like to get back together with me. I told her I'd be up for that, but she'd have to give up seeing the guy she's seeing. She told me she couldn't do that though, this was her reasoning:

He gets along with her parents (which I did too), he gets along with her friends (I was friends with all of her friends first) and she can talk to him about everything (we had been going out for a year, we know everything about each other anyway and can talk about anything). She said she wants to be with me, but then says that she would be better off with the other guy because, in a nutshell, he is apparently superior to me in every way (btw they work together, he's 20, and they've known each other for a few months).

I should definitely tell her to go **** herself and pretend she doesn't exist right? Because that's what I'm doing and I want to make sure I'm doing the appropriate thing.


Favorite Answer

Yeah, she's being really selfish and disrespecting you pretty hard. She can't just have you cause she feels like it while telling you you aren't really good enough for her. Sounds like she hasn't even made up her mind whether she wants you or this other guy or both!

Definitely drop her, and it would be good to tell her exactly why you are saying no, too!


Just tell her to make her decision, because you're not going to wait around for her whilst she plays these games.

Don't get rude with, just be straightforward. Being rude will make the situation much worse than it already is, believe me.


Yep man you dont even need yahoo answers, you have all the answers. You're the man! Shes doesn't really wanna leave her bf, but at the same time wants you. What does that make her? A cheater! And if she cheats on him, she'll cheat on you.


I think you should just ignore her. I wouldn't give her another ounce of your attention. Let that selfish ***** go f*ck up her life. You? be glad you are done with all of that!!!