Sire will not breed please help me understand this.?
Before you start going off with comments about the pet population. I breed show dogs. I have a sire that is 5 years old and has been used at least 4 times, he knows what to do. I have a ***** in heat and is READY to stand, like she is putting her stuff all up in his face and flagging. He sniffs her and won't make any effort whatsoever to mount her. He is interested in his first love, we had to have her spayed but that's been over 2 years ago. I have never heard of a dog being monogamous? Is this common?
Favorite Answer
Mine wont ever breed naturally. All his offspring (24 of them) are the result of AI.
The sire simply isn't interested and doesn't want to breed. The stud is in the last year of his prime and if you'd researched you'd know that his sperm has much less quality now and that the male may not show any interest.
Stop backyard breeding and educate yourself. If you were breeding show dogs, you'd have mentors and trust me, you wouldn't need answerers on Yahoo Answers to answer your "Dog Reproduction" questions.
Perhaps if you'd educated yourself more, you'd had found a much younger stud. Backyard it's best.
You have an older stud dog, you don't know what you're doing and I'm assuming since your this "make believe" show dog breeder, you're going to contact the stud dogs owner and inform them of the situation huh?
Never heard of show breeders asking a bunch of pet owners something like this, They would ask other breeders, people they know, not strangers on the internet. Most of the breeders I know belong to breed specific forums for support and information.
Where are all your mentors and contacts you've gained in all your years of showing dogs?
If you need help from strangers online you're no breeder, whether you show dogs or not.
By the way that's a frequently used excuse on here anymore. Everyone claims they show dogs so they don't have to get the lecture. Simply taking your dogs to a dog show or two doesn't qualify you to breed automatically
Unfortunately, most of us TC's on here were not born yesterday !!! and if you thought we would fall for the little 'I breed show dogs' speech, think again.
You are as plain a byb as any other.
Rather a coincidence that you happen to have a perfect match within your own home isn't it, now what are the chances of that ? Oh and as he's still interested in his first love ! then it looks as if you've had two bitches in your kennel that were perfect together.... even less chance.
Never heard of dogs living together not wanting to do the deed then ?