Best breed of hamster?

I'm looking to get a hamster. I've owned 2 syrians in the past, and they were wonderful and well-tempered, but I want to try something new!
I want a hamster that would be well-tempered and relatively easy to train. I don't really have a preference on size or color.
Any suggestions? Any good breeders or what places would you suggest?
Thank you very much in advance!

The Animal Lady2014-02-06T11:05:16Z

Favorite Answer

Chinese dwarfs have the best temperament in my opinion. Docile, calm, non aggressive. They let you handle them, and they are small and cute so you don't need a HUGE cage.


I have a Syrian now. I'm gonna get 2 dwarf hamsters next! You can keep to together if you get them at the same time!


Syrian. I had two dwarfs and one killed the other :(