I updated Google Chrome last week and it refuses to open back up?

I've tried restarting my computer. I can't figure out how to uninstall Google Chrome, but I don't know if reinstalling it might work? The only thing is, I don't really want to lose the tabs that were open when I updated it last time. I have tried installing it several times, and it never opens. I click on the little button and it looks like it's going to open for a second, and then it doesn't. Ideas? Internet Explorer is driving me crazy.


I tried the incognito window, and it still wouldn't work, so that's not the problem...


Favorite Answer

Try to run it in incognito mode by right-clicking the Chrome icon in the taskbar and clicking "New incognito window". If it works then some extension is probably causing Chrome to crash. If that is the case, try to uninstall any browser-plugins you have installed from your control panel and any extension in Chrome from: chrome://extensions/

Jake C2014-02-14T17:45:50Z

First did you restart your computer? If the update modified a system file, a restart may be required to open chrome again. If that doesn't work a re-install is probably necessary. Simply follow the uninstall instructions published by Google via the following website: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95319?hl=en. Restart after uninstalling. Then download the latest installer (if you haven't already) and install chrome again. If you get an install error, note the error number and go to https://support.google.com/chrome/table/3097092?hl=en&ref_topic=2365160 to determine the issue and how to fix it.