So is everyone glad to see Steve Byrnes back?

He is back on NASCAR Race Hub after a serious battle with cancer, I saw him on the other night, thought it was great that he has made a recovery.

Good to see you back Steve and healthy. I missed you.


@Josh yep I usually miss for the same reasons work, but I was off a couple days cause of the weather last week.


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yes, i had cancer, so Very glad to have him back. and honestly i like him way better then that idiot Adam Alexander


I don't have cable TV so I don't watch Race Hub, but I saw him when the races were on FOX and will again this year. It means all is good in NASCAR reporter land. Anyone that disagrees with me can say "That just Byrnes (burns) me up." We say that about this sheriff in an a nearby county "That just Burns me up."


Yes, very happy to hear he is back at it. Due to Race Hub coming on earlier than it used to, I miss it every day because of work, but I hear he is looking great.



0NE TRlCK P0NY2014-02-09T12:22:02Z

I'd be a lot more excited if Richard Petty came back along with Daryl Waltrip.

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