Days fans - is everyone ready for yet another scene where Nicole nearly dies?

She and Daniel have gotten themselves into another mess and Stefano's goon is outside with a gun. How will this one end?

They are not aware2014-02-07T11:37:30Z

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@ Cate Ha ha, that is the very reason I did not answer this questions before, I do know a little of how it is going to turn out but deekayowe doesn't care for spoilers if I recall correctly.
But yes, Forever Engaged's answer is NOT based on spoilers or anything seen yet.


It looks as if Daniel and the goon, who are fighting over the gun, will be shot. Daniel most likely will be okay.


The gunman will probably kill Chyka before he can talk and Daniel and Nicole will either be knocked out or will be held hostage by the gunman for a while.


That's easy.

It ends with Chyka dead, Nicole and Daniel live and Stefano never gets charged with a crime...

Edit to add again: I answered the question. Deekayowe asked how we think it will end. That's how I think it will end. So people really need to stop randomly accusing me of giving spoilers. Because I'm not. And those who were "paid extras" as we were told a thousand times before really need to mind their own business. Honestly, do you realize what you sound like? Your td's speak for themselves...

Kitty 22014-02-07T15:35:57Z

I heard that they maybe involved in a car accident. But im sure Stefano is behind this. Not sure but it should be good..

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