Will the Catholic Church change its position on same sex marriage?

Its seems inevitable. Every catholic nation in latin america from spain, france and soon to be ireland. with 3/4th of Catholics supporting same sex marriage when will the church change its position. Does it have a choice since so many catholics are for it.


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No they won't. They haven't changed their position on birth control in 2000+ years.


Don't hold your breath on that one.

Besides, it is somewhat irrelevant, since churches can't make marriage "legal", only the secular state can. So if the secular state decides it is legal, the church's resistance has no legal effect. All they can do is ban catholics from getting married in church, which only serves to diminish the catholic church's already shrinking population. It's a zero sum game.


The Catholic Church defines this as one of those things that are "intrinsically evil". So no legitimate authority in the Church will ever do so.


As usual, when the annual fees start to drop alarmingly, they will change the legislation.


No, they probably won't chnge it.
People support it being legal, because they want people that want to, to have the freedom to choose to do it. That doesn't nessecarily mean they want to do it themselves.

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