Days fans - Do you think Nicole will keep what she found to herself, or?

take a chance on losing Eric by telling him? Please no spoilers. Thanks.


Also, I'm wondering if you want the two of them together or should they just remain friends no matter if Eric is a priest or not?


Also, I'm wondering if you want the two of them together or should they just remain friends no matter if Eric is a priest or not?

They are not aware2014-02-12T20:11:01Z

Favorite Answer

No spoilers!
I think she will tell him though she could have spit it out many times today and didn't manage. (Where the heck is Dan anyway? He said he was on his way.) Nicole really loves Eric and always has; she will tell him--I think. She is not Sami after all.
I not only think they should be together I am pretty sure that is the whole reason they brought Eric back, to give Nicole someone. They were first loves with each other, been through a lot together, and separately, still have passionate yet sacrificing love for each other... Yeah, I think they belong together.


I think it is hard for Nicole to keep anything to herself, knowing her she will tell ....... I hate this back and forth business .... Nichole pines (or lusts) for Eric now Eric is ready and she's not ..... and if they don't get together they will both still want each other ...... if Nichole says forget about it and Eric returns to the priesthood they both will still have thoughts .... wondering what if ..... and it wouldn't be right for Eric to be thinking those things ..... they should be together,

Kitty 22014-02-12T20:33:53Z

I am thinking she will keep this news a secret and it will eat her up alive knowing it would help Eric get back his white collar. I really would like them to get together and she may lie to get that to happen.


I would like for Nicole to tell Eric to clear his name. But knowing Nicole that probably will not happen.


I hope she and Eric get together.

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