Black parents vs. White parents way of having the big talk?

Attorney John Phillips says that White parents think of and have the "big talk" with their kids which is about procreation and the birds and bees. He then says that Black parents think of and have the "big talk" with their kids which is about preservation of their lives and the fears they have about their kids being judged socially because of their ethnicity and possibly murdered unnecessarily by someone white.

Do you agree?

If you are White did your parents ever talk to you about being judged in society and that they had a fear of you dying at the hands of blacks unnecessarily?

If you are black did your parents talk to you about the birds and bees?


Favorite Answer

White parents say child make sure to use protection you dont want unwanted pregnancy
black parents say listen mutherphucker use a rubber don't wants no ones knocked up.


they said dont worry about being judged since we were in this country first.

(part native american)


What the hell are you talking about son, this is weird.I seriously doubt ANYONE has considered this. Theres too much going on in life to be bothered about this.