1997 Honda Civic maintenance light on and yellow?

My car only has 86,000 miles. Usually, the "light" looks green. It's now yellow. I had the spark plugs changed back in the summer. My mechanic also looked it over and said it looked good. I had an oil change back in December at a dealership so maybe they just forgot to reset it? Because I'm nowhere near the mileage for another oil change. The manual says that the light is just a reminder that your car is nearing 7500 miles since the last maintenance and I can put my key in the slot to reset it. I'm just wondering if anything else triggers it to change it yellow? Or should I try to reset it myself?

Christopher S2014-02-12T19:12:26Z

Favorite Answer

Probably just needs to be reset, try that first. If there is some type of problem, it will come back on.


nope just needs 7500 mile maint.