Did Ronald Reagan do any good during his presidency?


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He killed a lot of brown people. By selling them arms after they agreed to not release U.S. citizens they held hostage because to do so would've destroyed his chances at being president (people tend to forget that Reagan really had absolutely no chance until the Iranian hostage crisis seemed to stall right before Carter's eyes for no reason). And then put a lot more in jail for drug offenses, after his government colluded with drug cartels to get the products in the inner cities of the U.S..

And if that weren't enough he preached fiscal responsibility to the working class and poverty stricken, while his administration borrowed $3 trillion to get itself out of a recession. And then shifted tax burdens from the top earners to the bottom earners in the country by lowering the marginal rates for the rich and raising the rate on everyone earning less than $50,000.

For some, shifting blame and responsibility not just in the U.S., but worldwide, away from whites and away from the rich and shifting it entirely to the poor and to brown-skinned people makes him the greatest of U.S. presidents.


When asked that question in Germany in 1982 while in the military by German friends I quoted the exchange rate under Carter & Reagan 1.56 vs 2.5. The German people trusted Reagan. As a vet I respect Reagan.


He took some really good naps.

He did raise taxes several times so that he only tripled the debt, instead of increasing it ten fold.

Edit - Damn, somebody already got in the nap joke. But what is really astonishing is the claim that 1980 was a worse economic mess than 2008. What kind of delusional stupor are these people in???

Sir Studley Smugley2014-02-18T11:43:50Z

He deregulated the crap out of the banks, and you saw the result of that back in 2008. He cut taxes, and raised military spending to the point of absurdity., and started the US on the debt spiral that it's now. He taught people that ethics actually get in the way of business. He sent weapons to jihadists in Afhanistan, and made an illegal deal with Iran and sold them weapons, and then used the money to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

Sure - he did a WHOLE lot of good for America.


Yeah, he did. He brought home the hostages from Iran. Many other things also. Unfortunately, people only seem to want to remember negative things like the C.I.A. selling drugs to buy guns from Iran to support war in South America. No one remembers the across the board tax cuts he passed. Probably because soon as he signed it into law, the congress erased it with a new tax and an increase in the Social Security tax. Or the wage increase that got erased with new state taxes.

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