What is a good gaming mouse for under 50 dollars I should get?

I would like to get a nice gaming mouse... I was definitely looking at razer and as much as I want the mamba it's not going to happen. Anyways pretty much the type of mouse I want is something smooth and sleek and that looks awesome. I really just want something that looks fantastic. I don't need very many specifications and stuff. I was looking at AZiO's l3vetron GM2000 but I dunno if I should get that one.. any recommendations?


Favorite Answer

I recommend Razer DeathAdder Gaming Mouse.


-6400dpi 4G Optical Sensor
-Improved ergonomic side grips
-Razer Synapse 2.0


This is by far the best gaming mouse, all my friends and I have it. Here it is: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24P17C6053

Tell me what you think!