Guys with attractive wife/girlfriend: Are they really high maintenance?
I married a really pretty woman. She has a cute figure, long blond hair, pretty face, great laugh. She is smart, funny, tender, generous.
But, she is really high maintenance. I have to compliment her all the time, never criticize her, take care of her feelings. I am no peach myself - she has her problems with me. But, is she typical for an attractive woman?
Has this been your experience too?
The Distraction Potential of Certainty2014-02-26T02:12:28Z
Favorite Answer
Yeah, some more than others, it really depends on what sort of external praxis a woman is locked into as their preferred paradigm.
It almost sounds like if you have someone that has poor self-esteem, they require a lot of coddling as far as their looks are concerned.
I always thought for certain that my wife would never marry a plain white boy like me, I guess it really helps if one has a realistic self-assessment of one's own relative appearance, it's counter-productive to gauge one's own looks or the looks of their partners by using an arbitrary sliding scale of other people, (with correspondingly different chronological ages/maturity, etc.) whose looks may be readily apparent, yet their personality flaws typically remain well hidden from discovery from anyone but one's closest associates.
I've known a few people in the distant past who only remained with certain people because they wanted to impress their friends and were less concerned with developing a mutually beneficial relationship with a mature person within a stone's throw of their own generation, I chose an older woman because I wanted someone who was ready to settle down, I wasn't interested in a disco-bunny, (club-addicted) girlfriend.
I think if one puts enough thought into it, one need not settle for someone borderline nauseating in appearance when categorically someone might be tempted to locate a person who by sheer necessity was forced by facial genetics to focus on refining what they could......, their personality.
Ik this doesnt andwer ur question but u answered my question about my dream about my crush. You told me to write a story or poem about it. And thats what im doing. Email mei want to show you how its coming out since u inspired me to write it
hahahaha! It sounds like you have a problem with just being a respectful and loving husband in general. That isn't high matience...that is just your wife expecting you to treat her right and to respect her feelings. O.O