Are there any stories about a Christian family wanting to kill one odd its members for converting to Islam?

Please provide a link.


One OF its family members is what I meant



But look at Islam where the penalty for converting away under Sharia law is death!

Even when claiming to be merciful the sentences are horrific! In Egypt last year a woman and her SEVEN CHILDREN were sentenced to 15 years in prison for converting!


is this supposed to be an argument?

i could write a story and give you the link..
and am a very good essay writer by the way -.-

btw..this way you are not following the says blasphemers should be killed..
read ur holy book and ill read mine


I heard many stories about this especially in in iraq i just came across one story like this and of course i did not video it lol.

btw why do you ask this? do you want to say that christianity is cool and islam is bad?:D

you could find stupid people in every religion, my beloved brother:)

btw if you want to read about apostasy


No. Its the other way around. Islamist s kill theirs if they convert to Christianity.