Why do people always bring up Batista's MMA career...?

..As a way of arguing when it was a tremendous failure. He petitioned for 3 years for a deal with Strikeforce after leaving WWE, and then when that deal fell through he finally got his fight against an unknown who had a similar name to another Mixed Martial Artist who has made a name for himself. Then he finally gets his fight against a 40-fight veteran who looks and moves like he lost all 40 of those fights, and got his a$$ kicked until by luck Batista managed to beat him.

Everybody kept saying that in an MMA fight he would beat Alberto Del Rio (badly), but Del Rio is a 14-fight veteran, has actually won most of his fights, and obviously has some skills and experience that would make Batista tap in 20 seconds. He won his first fight in less than a minute because he broke the guy's arm!

So I get the Batista fans wanting to defend him when people insult him, such as his wrestling experience and acting career (which is only slightly better than his MMA one), but why are they using Batista's MMA career to make a point when he sucked at that even worse then he did at the Royal Rumble? Sure he's undefeated, but against an opponent like Vince Lucero anybody would be, and Batista was barely able to do that!


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Why would you take his MMA career seriously, anyways, it was a dream of Batista's, so he followed it, did you really think a guy in his 40s was going to go on and become a huge name in MMA


I'm with Hytmen on this one. I've heard more people bring up Booker T kicking Batista's *** in sandals backstage than Dave's nonexistent MMA career.

Jim Crockett Promotions Fan2014-02-27T21:28:21Z

Maybe, they're hoping that Dave Batista would show more of The Brazilian Ju Jitsu that he learned than we saw in any of his Mixed Martial Arts Bouts?


Who the bloody **** is talking about #Bootista's Unmentioned Mixed-Martial Arts Career? He's not Brock Lesnar, Nobody Cares.


who the hell talks about his MMA career, its non existent