why is 学校 (がっこう)transcribed as gakkō??

why is 学校 (がっこう)transcribed as "gakkō" but not as "gākō"?


Favorite Answer

Simple, because �� denotes a "double" sound and ō denotes a う ending sound.

Nikko - にっこう

Madame M2014-02-28T00:01:24Z

Because gaakou is a different word: があこう。I have no idea what it would mean.

I mean, you might as well ask, why is school written "school" instead of "skull." Or "skell." It's that level of difference.


here are the reason
っ/ッ(small tsu) makes the second letter double ex. ストップ is sutoppu cuz of スト(ップ)
the long sounds make has the line above the letter like ō