Do you feel awkward when listening to music with others?

Whenever I watch a movie or show with friends I'm able to enjoy myself, but listening to an album with others is almost always a problem.

Maybe I'm just scared of being judged based on my musical tastes, but there are times where I feel I HAVE to share my music with others, which usually ends up backfiring because they just want to turn it off.


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I've never done that...


I only share my music with the few friends who have the same taste. Most of my friends like metal and alternative stuff but I like cheesy pop and techno so I don't play my music when they're around. They often rip on bands and singers that I like so I pretend not to like them to seem cooler. I like my music but I always worry that others will make fun of me if I admit to liking some songs that I know are lame lol.


It's doesn't matter what other people think. I don't feel uncomfortable because my friends have the same taste in music:) but as I said before it's what you feel like jamming too :3


No,not at all. Love music with or without others. ~*


Yes all the time, and when they sing i just get silent.

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