How do you get the next set of questions to load?

If I answer a question or even read a question, and go back to the list of questions, when I scroll further the page ends with "loading 21 - 40", but it never does! I've tried using the back button on my browser, the backspace key on my keyboard, and refreshing the page (which will sometimes work if I use the Ctrl and F5 key together) The only way that is positive is to page up and then click the section I'm looking at (above the question list) It works but starts the entire list over, not where I left off. Anyone got any ideas? I'm using XP and Firefox, both updated.


Yahzmin, I should have posted that I've done all that previously. I hope I haven't jinxed you! :)

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2014-03-07T11:23:34Z

Refreshing SHOULD do it. Just plain F5, never had to use CTRL with it. If that isn't consistently working for you, you may need to do a full clearing of all cache files.

Sign out, clear your history, temporary files (be patient) & cookies, then RESTART (essential) the computer and retry. This HELP link has instructions: .

I know others have reported this issue, but mine has always worked fine and scrolled well for me.

EDIT: And, of course, as soon as I typed that - it started happening to me! LOL! Guess I will have to try my own advice.