So what do Americans think of this one?

I am curious. I know what most Australians will think of this. If Iraq passes this law, it means that:
1 9 year old girls can be married
2 Children over the age of two 'belong' to their fathers, and will always be put in the custody of their father if there's a divorce
3 Women will have no right to refuse sex to their husbands, whatever the circumstances

Is this what we will now see in Afghanistan, after Karzai caves in to the Taliban?

Don't we think it's time that countries where there's been a crisis/ conflict etc should be occupied for a far greater length of time (think, Germany, post WWII), to allow a few decades to go by under a civilised education system? Why don't the UN consider that they go into these situations, but don't ever stay long enough to achieve any lasting improvement?


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I'm torn on this issue. Every time we (America) gets involved in global politics we are vilified and attacked. I have to hear how provincial we are. How we don't take other cultures into account. How the rest of the world does not want us to intervene in their affairs as they have them under control thank you very much. Personally, I feel that the people of Iraq would be taking to the streets if this really offended them. Americans put it all on the line and died to establish and defend the freedoms that we enjoy. If Iraq wants what we have, let them do the same. Otherwise, and I know this sounds bad but I'm so very sick and tired of hearing how when we "interfere" in others affairs it's an example of neo-colonialism, the citizens of Iraq are stating quite clearly that this is what they want.

REST OF THE WORLD: If you want the freedoms that Americans enjoy, pay the price Americans have paid or at least stop bitching about how we interfere.

Personally, I hate the thought of this law passing and hope that Iraqis do as well.

You're welcome.


I think it would have been nice if more people starred your question and answered it! It is sad to see the rest of world doesn't even care to re-act in words... let alone actions.

I agree that allowing a few decades to go by under a civilized education system will be useful.... Can you imagine re-incarnation of those who were born under these circumstances? The anger they will bring with them into this world again?

J M2014-03-09T07:37:31Z

It is not our job to dictate to the rest of the world. The Taliban will die out because no one wants to be ruled by them and they practice suicide bombing.

We need to come to the realization that we do not rule the world. And frankly, some of those things are practiced here in the states.


In 1900 the law was changed in America to marry. From 9 years of age to 13. Under Federal law. So they are about 110 years behind the times there. Good for them they can set goils and play catch up on there own.


I agree that Iraq should be occupied longer, did Australia propose doing this?

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