Is it the soul or the brain that sees?

I may be wrong,but as far as I know,image is formed when neuronal impulses via optic nerve travel to a cluster of nuclei(neuronal cell bodies)in the optic area of the brain.But,i don't get how a juggling of ions(sodium and potassium primarily)between neurons and the interstitial fluid could make some undefined thing called image with colours,depth,pixels aargh...I don't even understand why we see the way we do(I'm unable to explain it,but we see images in a sort of way which we didn't decide).So,guys,how does the brain make an image?how exactly?How does a shuffling of ions produce so much of attributes?Which part of my body sees?Which part of my brain sees?How do cells see?How do atoms see?Or is it just the soul?
DON'T RIDICULE ME.I Just want to learn.I may be foolish.

Red Dragon2014-03-09T05:34:56Z

Since you asked this in R&S section I imagine you wish an answer that will tell you - soul. So there, you see with your soul. Ok, happy?

Now if you want a real answer on how exactly " juggling of ions(sodium and potassium primarily)between neurons and the interstitial fluid could make some undefined thing called image with colours,depth,pixels"
Can happen, then you will post this in correct category. mmkay?


Light enters your eyes by passing through a focusing lens and strikes the collection of light-sensitive cells arranged on the back of the eye. The cells register the light and send impulses through the nerves to your brain where the information contained in those pulses is decoded and processed by our cognitive parts. It is a remarkable process, but there is no Soul involved... If you think one is there, you must surely assume that every living creature down to the littlest insect that also has eyes must also possess a soul.

I don't pretend to understand quite how brains do what they do, but I can still marvel at the fact that they do it all without Souls being real, or necessary...


Officially it's not the soul. Birds, Cats, Mice, Insects in fact all animals don't have souls.
What you see is an image that is implanted in your brain made up of temporarily stored electrical charges. It's pretty much analogous to what you see on your computer screen, that's just a bunch of electrical impulses illuminating pixels. There is no true image in the computer itself just bits of data stored randomly. You can argue for animals having souls but you can't argue that a computer does.


hey u r not fool!