Can albino tiger barbs be housed with regular ones?
also, any difference between normal and green tiger barbs?
also, any difference between normal and green tiger barbs?
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Yes, they will school together. The only difference between the normal ones and green ones are that the green tiger barbs has no stripes. There are also neon tiger barbs and platinum tiger barbs
The green tiger barbs are a volor morph, so is the albino tiger barb. They are all the same sepecies and they should school together fine and look very interesting together too.
Fish do tend to use color information to identify each other, but they should figure it out. You should keep an eye on them just in case. I have gold=aka= "albino" x-ray tetras and regular x-ray tetras. there was a long period of time "6 months-a year" were the albinos and the regular ones stayed in 2 separate groups 90% of the time. they never acted stressed, but there were 5 of each, and tetras don't usually get too aggressive when stressed., not like a tiger barb might.
Yes, and it's all really just the color of the fish. Fish don't care much about their color.