conditional formatting greater than values excel 2011 on a mac?
I have an Excel spreadsheet where I have 13 columns of numbers (B-N), and a column (col Q) that is the average of each row (cell value is a number, not a formula, for all numbers).
I want to use highlight cells that have a greater than average value for their row. I assume I could use either the Top/Bottom for averages conditional formatting, or make use of the value in Col Q, to highlight values that are greater than the average.
It'll work for one row using the Top/Bottom average option in conditional formatting, but when I try to spread it to the rest of the 2280 row sheet, it *looks* like it's worked -- there are cells highlighted -- but on closer inspection the copied-to highlights are not above the average for their row. I've tried the paint brush and copy/paste special > format only, but apparently the steps I'm taking aren't doing the job.
How do I successfully copy it to the rest of the sheet? Does it make a difference (for spreading the formatting) which way I set it up (Top/Bottom average or Highlight cell rules / greater than (if B2>Q2 then highlight it))?
This is Excel 2011 on a Mac.