on b & b who is happy kate stood up to brooke and put her in her places or am i the only one glad it went down?

go kate about time you stood up to brooke glad it went down the way it did.


Favorite Answer

Brooke deserves everything that is happening to her!!! It's about time she is paid back for stealing everyone else's husband. I think ridge and Katie make a much better couple. No baggage.


I am not at all happy with this story line, I am mad at Katie for becoming a tramp of sort like Brooke I just hate that B&B continues to try and make it ok to sleep with your sister's ex husband or husband, Katie has done her dirt but not like Brooke however I am so happy that Brooke is getting what she deserves and I guess since this is not Ronn Moss it make people go along with this pairing, now Brooke can have Bill , Mr Brad Bell needs to hire some new actors so this merry go round can stop.


ME!! I am so glad Katie stood up to her and Ridge should do the same thing too!!
Now I like to see Brooke go crying to poor Dollar Bill and see if he will take her back, also I hope somehow either Liam or Quinn will tell Brooke that Bill had sex with Quinn LOL


I am not. Katie is not much better than Brooke is now. she knows how she felt when Brooke cross the line And now she is doing it. 2 wrongs don't make a right. And KATIE says FAMILY comes first and NO man will comes between them


Not that she's any better now, but it's about time she stood up, and Brook gets put in her place.

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