Textile factory in Khmelnytsky region sews russian military uniform?

I saw this message in comments to last news about Crimea. Autor of this message think that it's prepare for crimean referendum. She refers to her friends that work in this factory.
How do you rate the chances of failure of the referendum by Kiev? Or by maidan-men?
Do you think, would continental ukraines will decide to provoke increase conflict between Ukraine and Russia with "costume show"?
What do you think Moscow will respond, if such provocation will be?


Screenshot of our dialogue - http://cs09.userfiles.me/p/083111076140205158070160172018168140075187151240229133/1394814959/77337905/1024x768/9ed95800c01ff383d36e94e14b76c4ea/d30e7c679b77c2ad1b3cc0d7e32c82b2/0/NucleanSpoon/dialog.JPG


Да потому и забыли, что народ и так знает, кто вор, кто патриот, куда ушли деньги со строительства в Сочах, как у нас пишутся законы, как наказываются преступники и что из себя представляет "оппозиция". А вот Крым - это нечто новое и не совсем изведанное, хоть до печёнок своё, родное.
И еще: Кать, ты ни на один из поставленных вопросов не ответила. Садись, 2.


Wow! New details! I didn't know that information from Aksyonov... Thank you.
But from where information, that snipers was israeli? I didn't heard that some one found them.
And why them can't sew russian weapon, if a lot of weapon (of russian models) stolen from military warehouses in Ukraine. And anyone with hunt licence can buy for example AK in weapon shop.
Thank you for answer.


Favorite Answer

Dima, the first person who said that was Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov; here is one of the interviews with him - http://www.pnp.ru/news/detail/53564
I believe it can happen, there has already been that provocation case (Israeli snipers *hired by the Opposition* who shot their own "allies" i.e. far-right fascist thugs/"Right Sector" from Galicia; but both - Yanukovich's govt and RF were accused of murdering "peaceful demonstrators"). As a consequence Yanik was accused of "mass murdering" blah-blah...
But uniform is just...well, uniform. They can't "sew" RF weapons, right? Not that hypocritical media wouldn't be able to make up another lie, selectively shooting "the right/convenient" moments as they've been doing all these months, but it'd be kind of funny to see those "Russian" soldiers with... hm... what? Ancient Soviet weapons? Or maybe, NATO is going to give them some? We, Russians, will see the difference, but for millions of foreigners watching this "theatre" it'd be pretty much convincing... they're used to brainwashing, so...
Почему-то вспомнился "русский" космонавт из голливудского фильма - http://i49.tinypic.com/xfe2qo.jpg - западного зрителя десятилетиями готовили к таким вот образам, так что не стоит удивляться, когда большинство клюнет на (возможную) провокацию.
Dima, I myself saw "unnamed" Israeli officers here in Kiev and heard Hebrew in the city unexpectedly often (although they're supposed to speak Russian, as the majority of sources claim those are Soviet Jews). They are not here anymore (I think); some were leaders, some were provocateurs.
I've not seen a lot of sources though, and not all of them are telling who exactly were those "leaders/assassins". E.g.:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh_YkdGbWqk - RT didn't say where those snipers were from.
http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.577114 - Israeli source, so... включаем логику и "фильтруем".


I think it will happen, but no one in the west is going to recognize it. Anyway I am more unsure about what happens to Ukraine next - the state is bankrupt and the government has zero legitimacy - it's like a gas barrel on fire.


Q She refers to her friends that work in this factory
A. this is hardly a reliable source of information.
Though possible, money don't smell, don't know if there is an equal English version of this idiom.

Дмитрий, для тебя: это из Эха Москвы: "если бы проблемы Крыма не было бы, то её стоило бы придумать? Ну во-первых все кинулись считать, кто больше патриот. А кто больше вор, сегодня уже неактуально. А патриотами оказались, даже такие демократы, что раньше и нельзя было подумать. На задний план отошло и воровство на строительстве олимпийских объектов. Забыли про закон Димы Яковлева. Отпустили халатного Сердюкова. Практически перестали вспоминать про узников Болотной. Приближающаяся нищета и растущие ценники в магазинах, нивелируется радостью приобретения Крыма. А под негодующее одобрение ура патриотов, закрывают последние демократические СМИ и сайты. Кто то сейчас в Кремле сидит и потирает потные ладошки от удовольствия. Да здравствует Крым!!! Хрен с ней, с Россией. Как мало оказывается надо идиоту для полного счастья"