tenancy agreement?

I've been living in a privately rented flat for the last two years I have read the tenancy agreement and it says I'm not allowed to repaint it without written permission from the landlord,the roof has been leaking on and off for the last 18 months,I reported this and they have yet to do anything about it and it has stained the ceiling,I am willing to pay for redecoration out of my pocket to live in a more desirable home...do you think it's unreasonable for me to approach the agent to ask if I can repaint the property?


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Sure, it never hurts to ask. They would be wise to let you paint it, as then they get it painted without having to pay someone to do that work.


it would be a stupid waste of time to paint over water damage if the roof has not been repaired and the leak fixed. If the leak has been happening everytime it rained for 18 months there is more that needs fixing than just repainting the ceiling. I suggest you consider moving out when your lease is up, you may find that the roof is not the only thing the owner has been ignoring, like maybe the payments to the bank that holds the mortgage.


Don't bother. My father did this when he was younger. He fixed all the problems with the condo he was staying at and showed the owner. The owner was so happy about the work he decided to raise the rent on my Dad because he knew he could get more money out of the condo due to the newly repaired condition and pretty much forced my Dad out.