Foster puppy help?

I picked up a litter of 3 6-week-old pups from my local shelter to foster for the next few weeks. I've fostered before, but primarily with bottle-babies who were already so comfortable with myself and my home by the time they were vocal, they hardly ever cried.

They are three brothers, believed to be Dachshund x Boxer mixes. They have no mother, otherwise I would have her also (obviously).

I constructed a 5'x5' square pen for them to play in inside and outside, and they sleep in a small crate together with plenty of room to walk around in.

But, every time I turn around, one of them is crying. They ate fine, are pooping/peeing fine, and two of them are usually playing. But either the run or the "middle" pup are constantly making noise. Is there any way to help them calm down? They settle very quickly in the crate to go to sleep, but if they're in the pen, they're upset unless they wriggle out (I'll be fixing this issue shortly).


Favorite Answer

One thing that might help you now and in the future is a DAP diffuser. It gives off pheromones of a female dog days after giving birth. It works to calm puppies and adult dogs alike.


Better put a lid on the outside pen, or stay right there with them. I don't know about where you live but around here there's birds of prey who can and will carry off tiny puppies.

Ask the shelter where you got the pups. They should have lots of good answers for you.