Is there such a thing as a tiny St. Bernard puppy? So I can travel? I don't want it to grow?

Tell me, is there some way I can suspend the growth of a St. Bernard puppy until I travel all over the world with it, and then make it grow big when I get home?? Does anyone have a potion or a magical spell that can stop it from growing so I can fit it it my purse? What if I only feed it Special K and coffee?

I need help!!

Thanks in advance!




Oh Hallien,thank you!! Now maybe I can go with that person and their husky that they need to stay small so they can travel.


I'm just having fun,people! Sometimes I just cannot believe the things I read on here.


Hand _of_Chaos - You're always so grumpy!! I happen to have a Polar Bear that is the size of a Guinea pig and sleeps in a picnic basket. And my Grandpa was a leprechaun. :D


Lorraine - Yes,it makes me feel a little crazy,reading some of these questions. As if dogs and cats plan families. Yes,my dog went out to a singles club and met her dream stud and they REALLY wanted to have puppies,but then her family got her spayed and ruined her life. ROFL! People are crazy!!


Favorite Answer

The same way i made my house cat as small as a mouse

2 cups of wishfull thinking

3 teaspoons of pixie dust

1 dragon scale

2 mermaid tears

Mix all in a bowl for 5 minutes counter clockwise while chanting

" I`m pretty oh so pretty"

then yell loudly "what time is it? adventure time"

then pour the mixture over the puppy and rub the puppy for 24 hours.



You need help that comes from people in nice white coats, I'm sure they have a nice padded room for you

There is no such thing a mini Husky or St Bernard. Only BYBers make mixed breed mongrels to sell to foolish people


lol.. at the link to the husky... the mind really does boggle...

I've seen enough on here in the last few days to wonder just what is going on in the minds of people...

When I read on here yesterday regarding a spayed dog that ...

" It must be very alarming for animals to be spayed and besides, to then find also that their hopes of having their own young and forming a family suddenly removed from them, very hard to adjust to"

Well... kind of leaves you speechless doesn't it ?

Verulam 12014-03-20T08:27:33Z

"I need help!! "

You're not kidding! Do your travelling, and once that's out of your system, and you come home and SETTLE, then is the time you start to consider whether your life can include having a dog.


From your "About Me"

"I have had animals all my life,and base many of my answers on common sense and hands-on experience with my own animals."

The mind boggles.

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