What do like about your Town's library and what would you like your library to offer?

I'm gathering info for a library needs assessment. I'm looking for patrons to give some input about
what they see as Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Needs and Wants and Problems facing your library.



I haven't been to the library here yet (just moved) but my favorite library was in Columbia, Missouri. It was 3 stories, with any book you could possibly want, self check out areas so you didn't have to wait in the lines for the staff to check you out, plenty of seating and study areas, a lot of modern art in the area, and a little snack bar and seating area. I really had nothing bad to say about that library.


Like- environment, it's close, nice place to study, fair choice of books. Computers and internet available.

What I would like for it to have- MUCH, MUCH more books, of more variety.


No, it's more geared toward children and casual readers. I need some books with more teeth to them.


There is a need for more study tables and stations to charge our laptops or mobiles!


We dont need them anymore u can get all u want on the net now .. Its a big waste of tax money