How many famous people (as seen in Wikipedia) were born on the same day as you(not necessarily the same year)?


For example, if you were born Jan 8th, you can find out the number by copying and pasting the list of names of people in the birth section on the Wikipedia page for January 8th into Excel.

The Excel cell number next to the last name would be the number of famous people born on that day.


@Joe: This is just meant to be a fun exercise (I'm not suggesting that this is essential information that people need to now).

Shadow Traveler2014-03-25T08:58:30Z

Favorite Answer

226 - according to Wikipedia

kim h2014-03-25T07:02:58Z

Paris Hilton was born on my birthday of February 17th. Denise Richards and Michael Jordan.


48 people, including Bob Dylan, Queen Victoria, John C. Reilly, and Will Sasso.


there are way too many to count but George Takei, Ryan O'Neal, Adolf Hitler are some of them and the most famous of all that was born on that day, my grandma :)


Very few, except one of the Gallagher brothers (that's Oasis, kids!)

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