To all Christians, how your mind take you to belive that Jesus a human being is son of God?

and if you still believe that he is son of God, means he is god himself, how a bunch of Jews can kill a God? and if you believe he sacrificed his own son for you, Do you think God can sacrifice his only son for a something you do, means u r more dear to god than his own son?.
how come


Note: in my religion (Islam), it says that Jesus was a messenger of God same like Moses and finally Muhammad, they were all sent to humanity. God is one, and every human being shall be judged by what he did.

Red Dragon2014-03-25T12:36:48Z

Favorite Answer

You are trying to make sense out of christianity. Good luck with that.


A better question is how Islam calls itself a "religion of peace" and then organizes acts of terror and murder around the globe in the name of Allah. Now THAT is something to REALLY think about, isn't it?

Christians understand how a loving God sacrificed His only Son for the salvation of mankind. Muslims are not expected to understand that, and that is fine. Christians do not believe that other faiths should be destroyed.

Ignorance and intolerance are terrible things. A religion that promotes ignorance and intolerance is a terrible thing.


It is learned as a demonstration of the love of God for humanity. Incarnation is the topic when you get into details. Death is a part of being human. The Ressurection means that God, not death, has the last word on our destiny.

Jews as a people are no longer accused of killing God. Jesus was not the only Jew crucified by the Romans, nor was he the only troublemaker killed by the Temple priesthood.


You ask a question in full ignorance failing even to read the texts with a secular viewpoint, which would still give you the details of just who and why. How can we answer your question, when you do not even know what you are talking about?

Did none of you ever learn that the kingdom of the Christ is not of this world. Who cares about earth? Even the good Dr. Martin Luther failed to be interested in politics or position, having been offered the archbishopric of his choice to renounce his teachings and rejoin the church, they came with great estates, and income. To those who follow the Christ possessions of earth a OK, but not of great importance.


Rom 1:3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;

How can Jesus be the son of God and be the seed of David.

Perhaps Xtian haven't read that bit or conveniently ignore it.

...And roast in hell as a result for false witness. In pure agony.

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