Jim 2
Favorite Answer
If poverty is at issue , wtf do you pick Mexico? What exactly is it you are looking into?
You have an ulterior motive
Why don`t you want a brief history of development of Mexico and growth ?
Maybe you could do a brief history of Drug Addiction and all the places to get HELP in the US.
If you need some cheering up Read the obituaries and think you are at least alive. How twisted man! do a project on a failed state like Somalia if you want "Shock Value"
I don`t think this is homework because I don`t think there is a curriculum or a Teacher that would request such an assignment unless he/she is on DOPE.
big bubba
Read most of Mexican history of the 19 th century, then the long Revolution war (it is not the Independence war) of 1910 to 1924, after that read about the 70 years that Mexico was ruled by one party PRI, and the corporativisim in Mexico, how that leads to monopolies and corruption. Now we are in a new democracy, ruled by almost 3 political parties, but they all took advantage of the corporativism, so Mexico is not yet not even soon to become a developed country not in a long time, but we get better bit by bit.
Sounds like you want someone to do you homework for you.
Sorry, I help, I DO NOT DO.
I agree with Jim, might as well give him best answer.