Women ministers 1Timothy 2:12?
1 Timothy 2:12,1 Corinthians 14:34. These two Biblical verses are the words of the prophet Paul. In short they state that women have no authority over men, that they should remain silent in the church, that they cannot be preachers, ministers etc. Now I could care less what the Bible means concerning this,it is to me a book of contradictionshate,prejudice,outdated illogical impossibilities. However, it still holds great sway over many of our laws, perceptions of others, and morality. These things may be great for some, but they create havoc on the lives, and happiness of others, especially those based on the teachings of Paul! O.K., so there are those who have disected these verses to show that, that is not what Paul meant, that words important in the text have had other meanings, in his time. It is unimportant to me what Paul meant, I do not agree or disagree! What I want to know is this: if these verses can be said to be basically bullcrap, and that you can't take them literally, then how can ANYTHING else in that waste of paper be taken literally: therefore what use is it to base anything on the so-called teachings contained in it? Everything seems to be able to easily be contradicted! I am not asking for more, and endless Bible verses to answer my question. The Bible cannot prove or disprove itself. Yes I know I am going to hell, I do not need to hear silliness like that! Am hoping I get an intelligent answer, without stone throwing!