Women ministers 1Timothy 2:12?

1 Timothy 2:12,1 Corinthians 14:34. These two Biblical verses are the words of the prophet Paul. In short they state that women have no authority over men, that they should remain silent in the church, that they cannot be preachers, ministers etc. Now I could care less what the Bible means concerning this,it is to me a book of contradictionshate,prejudice,outdated illogical impossibilities. However, it still holds great sway over many of our laws, perceptions of others, and morality. These things may be great for some, but they create havoc on the lives, and happiness of others, especially those based on the teachings of Paul! O.K., so there are those who have disected these verses to show that, that is not what Paul meant, that words important in the text have had other meanings, in his time. It is unimportant to me what Paul meant, I do not agree or disagree! What I want to know is this: if these verses can be said to be basically bullcrap, and that you can't take them literally, then how can ANYTHING else in that waste of paper be taken literally: therefore what use is it to base anything on the so-called teachings contained in it? Everything seems to be able to easily be contradicted! I am not asking for more, and endless Bible verses to answer my question. The Bible cannot prove or disprove itself. Yes I know I am going to hell, I do not need to hear silliness like that! Am hoping I get an intelligent answer, without stone throwing!

Ernest S2014-03-28T21:11:38Z

Favorite Answer

The Bible does prove itself. That is a very great mistake you make, as also so very many.

Proper examination proves it impossible to be a work of man.


Your make a very good point. Lot's of self-proclaimed Christians cherry pick and rationalize the bible so that it says what they want to hear (2Tim 4:3), and thus they ignore plain teaching. And then they are confused why an unbeliever wants to ignore the whole thing rather than just the parts they ignore. Such false teachers will be judged harshly for misleading people like that (2Pet 2:1). But that doesn't give a pass to the misled. They must still believe in Jesus and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins to be saved (Mk 16:16; Ac 2:38).


I had a institute(a religious class) teacher once tell me that what ocurred during that time was a woman cut her hair short and dressed as a man to take over a congregation. She did this because during the time(remember this is 2000 years ago, when women had like no power) to gain power over the congregation. This upset many people of that congregation, and Paul said that women shoudln't speak in church due to this reason. He wanted to keep the peace because everyone was getting upset. Paul was an imperfect man, he taught opinion that doesn't apply today.

What really matters is Christ's teachings. We can trust Christ's teachings and thus this part of the bible we can trust very much so. There is also a lot of Paul's teachings that are applicable and coincide with Christ's teachings, but you just happened to point out the one that doesn't. We trust the parts of the bible that coincide with Christ's teachings and purpose. We find out if it does by praying over it and/or reading the gospels

Martin T2014-03-29T13:15:13Z

The Christians who take everything literally, or claim to, are probably not the majority; they are just massively over represented on-line. The most intelligent comment I heard from a Christian was that Paul might have been a great leader, but he brought a lot of baggage with him. In other words, he meant what he wrote, but she felt OK about rejecting it. The same went for his ideas about acceptable hair styles. The same probably went for large chunks of the old Testament as well.

I was brought up a Catholic, so I had it quite easy. God, in his mysterious way, chose to give certain people the gift of faith which made them believe, but they could still use common sense in figuring out the details. When I "lost my faith", people in the church were a bit sad, but not massively upset; they still believed I would go to Heaven. Of course, Christians with that attitude rarely go on-line to badger people into converting.


I wont throw any stones at you because I would be a hypocrite since I too make mistakes. We all do whether we admit it or not. I just want to say that God really loves you and cares about you. If you have a child you would see a glimpse of God love for you because He loves you more than any parent could love their child.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God and its not His fault that some choose TO INTERPRET IT according to their own desires or to bolster their own wrong motives. Some of these are not even true christians and they bring a bad image to true Christianity. In fact if you were to meet Jesus physically in person today I bet you will really like Him.

So on behalf of myself and many other christians I want to apologize to you for ever making you feel condemned or judged. May God bless you.

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