A doctor vs. a pastor vs. a lawyer vs. a scientist?

An audience listens to a debate between a doctor, pastor, lawyer and scientist on traditional values. The pastor starts to speak and right away a few people in the audience boo and a few scream out "we know what you're going to say; nobody wants to hear your bias views." The pastor stops talking and the audience is completely silent while the lawyer, doctor and scientist share their thoughts.

Is it possible that people today believe that only Bible believers have bias views? Science is objective but only if the scientists are too. Doctors make money, big money, on abortions. In recent same sex marriage cases the lawyers and deciding judge were openly homosexual.

Are believers the only ones with bias views?


Favorite Answer

If Bias means someone has established their own personal values and standards that determines how they live life, then everyone has a bias. However, I will say that some religious people can be really cocky and attempt to push their values on people because they believe it's their purpose in life to spread their faith based upon interpretation of some religious text (Bible, Koran, Torah, etc...).

The perceived threat of a painful afterlife for those who don't follow their religious "Bias" (i.e. Hell or equivalent) is also a factor.

Most non-religious people have their bias, but don't feel compelled to "convert" people to their way of thinking. In other words, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone type of thing.