Will it really take me as long as my computer says to download a program?

I'm trying to download QGIS (free GIS software) from their website, and my computer told me first that it would take 1 hour, then switched to 3 hours, then to 13 hours, and now it's been fluctuating between 5 and 13 hours. I'm in a coffee shop, and obviously I can't sit here for 13 hours. Even 3 would be annoying, although I really need this program, so I guess I'd do it. Does the estimate the computer gives me actually mean anything, or is it just BS?


Thanks a lot for the replies. It's going faster now, like you both said--fluctuating between 8 and 20 min! Rather more reasonable than 13 hours!

Computer Technician2014-04-01T11:52:43Z

A lot of times,the time will change a lot. I have had programs say 8 hours to download, then the end result
would be 20 minutes. I guess it just depends on the
program. and internet speed.


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Usually it speeds up as it goes. It depends on the speed of where its coming from and the speed of your connection. Being at a coffee shop could mean the connection could be slow.