Atheists, why argue if you won't listen?

I understand how people can stray away from religion because of scientific discoveries but when I see people ask questions about god and ignore the opposite opinions then what is the point of the questions? To hear what you wanna hear? It's no wonder we have atheist top contributors, you don't want opinions, you wanna hear your own echo, right? You've pretty much killed the point of the R&S topic.

David B2014-04-01T13:50:33Z

Favorite Answer

I am an atheist and I believe in evidence. I am willing to change my beliefs about things and often do. All that is required is solid evidence. So give me some solid evidence that God exists, and you will be well on the way to reconverting me to Christianity.

five toed sloth2014-04-01T13:44:11Z

Me being an atheist had/has nothing at all to do with any "scientific discoveries", and everything to do with there being no evidence for the existence of any god/s.

If you believe atheists stance on religion and god is based on science, then you really don't have much to offer to the "debate" maybe?

ANDRE L2014-04-01T13:44:49Z

We're happy to hear opposing views. It's just that opposing views that are ASSertions LACKING all supporting evidence aren't worth considering. Deal with it.

And Liars For Jeezus such as Christian Fund only further prove that religion = willfully BAD morals. Such serves only as further negative examples for us.

Take these Words2014-04-01T13:42:41Z

OK. I'll bite. What faiths should be top contributors user since March of 2014?


I just want God to sit down and have coffee with me for an hour. Surely that's not too difficult for him to do?

Just a few questions I have for him. Is it unreasonable for me to ask an hour of someone's time in exchange for an eternity of mine?

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