As I look over the questions I see many Childish and Indecent Questions asked...?

How, Exactly do you propose to further influence others with your opinions when so many ask questions that appear as 'Junior High' kids out of control?


Exactly, for many really ARE Jr High School kids out of control. Others are immature High School kids out of control.


Hello, this is the internet, you must be new.

In all seriousness I agree with you. The problem is both sides of the extreme tend to try and outdo the other with ridiculousness, leaving those more in the middle to sigh and shake their heads because no decent conversation may be had.

Forrest Toney2014-04-03T12:33:27Z

Yahoo has band me from asking any more good and decent questions ; And now allows the humanists to take over .


You're far too nice to politically disaffected liberal Darwinians, but let's not forget that atheism its self was debunked the very second Darwin's tree of life was debunked since it was their very foundation for how they drew their conclusions. I've never said that they were that educated in the first place so I can see how their questions and answers would appear impish at best to anyone else.

FACTOID: Many atheists still believe Darwin's theories even though modern science has debunked them all.

Dogstar Ascendant2014-04-03T12:19:08Z

Indecent? I've been reading the wrong questions!

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