Catfish staying in top corner of tank?

I think it might be because of the water temperature, but I can't be sure...

Anyway, the tank has ick. I've always had good luck by catching it quickly and raising the water up to 86 or 88 degrees. But, I was away from home and wasn't able to watch the temperature to make sure it was staying steady at such levels. I came home and found two fish nearly dead from the ick, one unaffected, and another two with a lot of spots on them. I did a 50% water change and got the temperature where it should be but, my pictus catfish (who normally stays on the bottom, hidden, is hanging in a corner of the tank, face up toward the top of the tank, and belly toward the glass. It's pushing itself up toward the surface. It's been doing this all day long and I'm starting to worry.

What should I do?


I did a 50% water change just a little while ago. We have no chlorine in the water and I avoid using ammonia removing products whenever possible. Personal preference, I guess. I prefer natural to chemical.


You should put Water Safe or Quick Start in the what it well take out the ammonia and chlorine out of the water.


I think your catfish is just dying - I had one that did that and it died shortly after. I'm sure your tank is fine and the fish just aren't used to it, maybe?