Help translate French homework instructions to English?

Hi I'm having trouble understanding the instructions for my assignments. A translate can be great ;p! thankkks

1) Dans ce devoir, écris tes phrases en utilisant le subjonctif--présent et passé (pas nécessairement l'imparfait du subjonctif). Ecris de ce que tes parents, tes profs, tes copains, veulent ou voulaient que tu fasses ou que tu aies fait. Ecris au moins douze phrases originelles.

^My parents want me to take a shower ( <- Is that the type of sentences they want me to write )

2) Ecris un paragraphe en français en parlant de ce que deux de ces proverbes veulent dire.


Haha thank you! Originelles was how it was written in the instructions must be a mistake in the lesson ;p lol


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"1. In this assignment, write your sentences using present and past subjunctive (not necessarily the imperfect subjunctive). Write what your parents, your teachers, your friends want or wanted you to do or that you had done. Write at least twelve original (1) sentences.

"My parents want me to take a shower ( <- Is that the type of sentences they want me to write? )" It is.

2. Write a paragraph in French talking about what at least two of these proverbs mean.

1. 'originel" exists but it's the wrong adjective to use here. The correct word is 'original' → douze phrases originales. We only use 'originel' for things like 'the original sin' (le péché originel).