Have drugs killed peaches?

Kinda sad to hear a 25 year old has died with no information yet.

Her family has had a lot of tragedy and im sure that has left a dark shadow over them all.

Anyhow breaking news is she dead, do you think it was drugs?


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Absolutely no suggestion at this point that it was drugs and i think it is sick to post huge rants about her dying from some kind of overdose when the cause of her death is completely unknown,Peaches was actually an intelligent and well educated young woman who had indeed spent some of her youth partying much like many other young people but everything suggests she had in fact completely settled down.

She had a husband and two young children,one who had not yet reached his first birthday,how anyone can be so spiteful about her is beyond me,she had no say in what she was born into and let's face it her life wasn't exactly full of enduring happiness,she watched her parents go through a bitter break up which she has spoken about and how it hurt her,she then watched her own mother go from being a well balanced person to a complete wreck after finding out Hughie Green was her father and losing her partner and then she lost that mother.

Peaches spoke a lot about those things and how difficult they were and for a girl who had seen all of that i am not surprised she had a few years of partying and messing around but despite that she still achieved highly in her A levels and was offered a place at university,yes she was advantaged in the sense that she was given work that your average student wouldn't get because of her father's connections but so what?

Bob Geldof who lost his own mother when he was 7 did a huge amount for people who were not advantaged,if his children got some work because of his status then so be it.

None of those things meant she died from drugs or was spoiled,she was by all accounts a doting mother who stated herself that she was desperate to get it right because of her own childhood,she certainly never had any sense of status about her in the area she was living,she may have been extroverted in her career and on the internet but no one living around here (i live 9 miles away myself) ever had any reason to say anything negative about her or think she was some kind of spoiled brat who was living some kind of hollywood type existence on drugs.


I have no idea , its sad whatever happened
weasel..... I know a man who suddenly died , we were all convinced he had taken his own life he was in his thirties and had a LOT of problems , after the autopsy report it was discovered that he died from a Brain Aneurysm and not suicide , he was a lovely man well loved and never had a bad word about anybody , he was funny and everybody was very upset
it was not peaches fault that your mother got cancer was poor or was ill ...... nor was it peaches fault that her own mother died or her father is a famous rock star

Be glad and grateful you had a mother and loved her and she loved you in return , would your own mother approve of you making silly spiteful assumptions about young girls and using her illness as an excuse for your nastiness

i'm nice guy2014-04-07T14:30:39Z

just speculation, but my input is that this lovely girl had post natal depression. 2 babies under 2years is hard hard work, and no amount of fame or money is going to take this awful illness away. That girl needed medical attention way before this, but probably because she loved her family so much she put them first until she could not cope any more. Just my opinion by the way as we wait on a formal announcement being forwarded.

Weasel McWeasel2014-04-07T13:38:40Z

Nooooo! She just "dropped dead" for NOOOOOOOOO apparent reason.

Yeah, must have been that burrito she had for breakfast.

*dripping sarcasm*

Of course it was drugs..........but they'll say something like........she accidently mixed her COLD medicine, with Ghost peppers or some stupid BS.

and what "tragedy" has the family had? Her mother also stupidly killed herself with drugs.

Boo freaking hoo. My mother fought an 8 year battle with cancer of the everything, and clawed and fought for each extra day.........and these rich , spoiled idiots, with every freaking advantage that life has to offer, can't think of anything better to do with all their wealth and wasted lives, than snort drugs.

Now we're all suppose to cry over the socialite party girl, who "accidently" overdosed?

There's no such thing as an "accidental" overdose. The drugs didn't "accidently" enter your system........the coke didn't "accidently" fall UP your nose............the illegal pills in other people's name didn't accidently fall into your purse.

You're a drug addict and died a drug addicts Death. Just call it what it is.


Don't know and it's bad that everyone automatically assumes that it's drug or alcohol related just because she's a celebrity. It'd very sad news and my love goes out to the family, and those 2 poor baby's who will grow up with no mummy :( RIP Peaches x

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