Is the NA Elder Scrolls Online server really still down for maintenance?

Yesterday, at 10am PST, Bethesda, or Zenimax, or both, booted everyone off for maintenance. Now it's 3pm the next day (so 29 hours later), and they still haven't put it back up. Any news on why this is?

Okay, okay. I understand dealing with coding and gigantic files like an MMO is extremely complicated. I heard from other players that there were broken quests and some weird bugs that would show up sometimes, but do they need to fix every bug at once, if that's what they're doing, or seeming to do? 29 hours seems like a long time for maintenance, if you ask me. Then again, this is my first MMO and the apps I play are in no way as giant as ESO, though it does take them a few hours for those tiny things.

Mmm. -.- I just really want to get back on again. I've been watching an episode of Lie to Me, check on ESO, watch another episode, check ESO again, and around and around all day yesterday and all of today so far. Anyone have news on what they're doing/fixing, and about how much longer it'll take? It'd be really nice to know since I don't know of any sources that would keep me updated on it, if they update players on it at all? I just really want back on...

Thanks for any answers in advance... It'd be much appreciated. =3


Elder Scrolls Online Server Down


Elder Scrolls Online Server Maintenance


Yes the NA elder scrolls server is still down for maintenance. It will be done by friday midnight