Have you ever had a UFO experience?

Can you describe what happened or what you saw? Please no trolls, serious question.


Favorite Answer

Interesting Mog. My story is pretty straightforward. I was in the Army in 1980. A fellow soldier on watch yelled down inside the armored personnel carrier that there was a UFO out here, that it was zigzagging all over the place. He was quite excited. Everybody told him to shut up, that they were trying to sleep except for me. I wanted to see what he was talking about.
I got up and looked out and he pointed to what looked like an airplane to me with two blinking lights. This was the middle of the night in Yakima Firing Center. I took out my binoculars and looked at it. It was right next to a star and therefore easy to see that it was perfectly still. I watched it for a few minutes and then watched it with my eyes. I thought it was really strange that it sat there perfectly still and perfectly silent. He still insisted that it just stopped there, that it was moving. I couldn't figure out what it could be. Then we both saw it streak across the sky moving with impossible speed and acceleration to another one that we didn't even see that was probably about 60 degrees of sky. It stopped on a dime right next to the other one. I think I should emphasize that as an engineer (degree since then), I know it is impossible with our present knowledge to start and stop like this thing did. It seemed to instantaneous reach a speed of thousands of miles an hour and move maybe a mile and then stop in less than a second. I was amazed to say the least. In my opinion it could only have been something with much greater technology. It must have been extraterrestrial or possibly from the future. After a few minutes, we got notice to move and one of the vehicles turned white and seemed to shoot off into space and we left. Neither one of us reported it.

Mine is a true story. Even my twin brother second guesses me about it and my wife doesn't believe in them. For me it was like wow they really do exist but it wasn't life changing or anything like that. For those who are sure they don't exist, and believe me there are so many, I wouldn't expect them to believe me but I think they should keep their minds open. I just happened to watch a show on TV that talked about Ronald Reagan's UFO sighting. He apparently reported that it zigzagged across the sky which I could relate to even though I never actually saw the craft zigzag, the other guy I was with said he did.


One morning when I was about 9 years old, my friend called and yelled "You gotta come over here" and then he hung up. I went over there and he said that he was scared to death because a tree stump in an empty lot was glowing. I was mad because it sounded stupid. The other kid there didn't believe him either. He said his dad wasn't interested either, he said it was probably just the sunrise hitting the ice and the snow. But he didn't even look. And my friend said he also saw something really scary go and hide underneath the stump...We went and checked it out. There were no footprints or anything strange about the stump at all. He said its all different now, and it's not scary anymore. We started making a snow fort about 200 yards away inside a big snowdrift at the edge of a shelterbelt.
Sometime during the day this huge...ship came out of the southwest. Going from under the horizon to being right over us in less than a few seconds. And completely silent. Completely silent. The three of us scattered. 2 of them ran into the shelterbelt, but I started running for the nearest house. I was kinda out in the open, and the thing was right over my head. It was maybe 40 or 50 feet above me. Completely silent. And it never made a breeze being right over me. A big black dome shaped thing as big as a house. I remember seeing what looked like I-beams underneath it. That part of it didn't look alien at all. I remember thinking "hey those look familiar". But then it just left. Our snow fort was totally awesome, so we played in it until supper time.
The next day, we got together again, and I brought up what happened. One of them remembered what I remembered, but the other one, not the one who saw the thing in the stump, said that never happened, and that we didn't get the snow fort built, and we had spaghetti for lunch. I had to stop him right there and I said "I hate spaghetti, there is now way I ate any spaghetti. Because I wouldn't. I would have went home. No spaghetti. The other guy agreed. We never had spaghetti, he couldn't remember coming in for lunch. And then I realized I couldn't either. And I said that's impossible, because his mom would have made us come in for lunch. And the other one got really scared and started crying and made us stop talking about it altogether.
I forgot about it for a long time until I was hanging out with a guy once when something jogged my memory. I told him about it and it turned out that he was a relative of theirs and they told him the same story...


yeas there iz an alien unber my bed he tellz me storiez until ai don't fall a sleep