nolle Prosequi car accident Virginia ?

Hello all,
So three months ago I was driving from VA back to Boston via I-95 North , my driver side tire blew out, and I couldn't anything but hit the left shoulder of the highway (very left) but I didn't kill anyone nor hurt anyone nor hit another car) and not even speeding I was at 60 on a 70 .
So my lawyer said that we can reduce it to "improper driving" but I refused since it was not my fault (technically) so she said they might offer me "defective equipment" which I liked better. But actually I my lawyer came out saying that I got a "nolle prosequi " and she said it is dropped and much better than other offers!
So my question is ,
Is that true?? That nolle prosequi is a lot better than those two offers above? And do I have anything to worry about?
By the way I only damaged my car basically , but I hit the sign in the very left side of the highway but no major damage of property !
I am from Massachusetts By the way!
Thanks a lot !


Favorite Answer

That means they are not going to prosecute you. They have dropped all the charges. Of course that is better than your having to plead guilty to anything. You won.

From the site below, here is the definition of that term:

"nolle prosequi

(no-lay pro-say-kwee) n. Latin for "we shall no longer prosecute," which is a declaration made to the judge by a prosecutor in a criminal case (or by a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit) either before or during trial, meaning the case against the defendant is being dropped. The statement is an admission that the charges cannot be proved, that evidence has demonstrated either innocence or a fatal flaw in the prosecution's claim or the district attorney has become convinced the accused is innocent. Understandably, usage of the phrase is rare. In the 1947 courtroom movie, Boomerang! the climactic moment arrived when the District Attorney himself proved the accused person innocent and declared nolle prosequi."

Me Brod2014-04-10T13:11:11Z

The police must have asked you if you knew the tire was bad. You must have said yes, otherwise I see no violation here. Blow outs happen all the time, without citations. You should have to pay for the repair of the highway sign, but that is all.

Steve N2014-04-10T15:29:38Z

Yes, that's Latin for "not prosecute" it's dropped.

That's a suck drive. I live in VA and I'm from Boston so I know it well.


Of course it is better and that is why your lawyer told you it was. They decided against prosecuting you.


Yes. You drove knowingly with a dangerous car. You are lucky you weren't charged with reckless op.