vagina rash?

So I have a rash down there and I've been using vulvare cream this is my third day and um I'm not sure if its helping maybe it is the first day I used it my labia was very swollen and painful and when I woke up that was gone so maybe its healing it its the third day when I woke up today it didn't hurt or itch so bad and I showered it seems like when I put the cream on it makes it itch worse but w.e so I'm using that but I also read you can use yogurt too I just wanted to know what kind I have yoplait light and its like the strawberry kind but it actually expired not to long ago can I put some down there ?? I'm just tryna to try anything that will make this go away fast its so uncomfortable I just want my vagina back please help !!!


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vagina rash?
So I have a rash down there and I've been using vulvare cream this is my third day and um I'm not sure if its helping maybe it is the first day I used it my labia was very swollen and painful and when I woke up that was gone so maybe its healing it its the third day when I woke up today it...


You have a yeast infection. Creams will provide moisture which will create an ideal environment for the yeast to grow. You need to see a doctor to get a proscription for monostat. But, don't be worried about the thought that a yeast infection is spread sexually. A nun went to the doctor for an itchy rash. When the doctor told her she had a yeast infection she gasped. And said she couldn't have a yeast infection because she was celibate. The doctor had to explaine to her that a yeast infection was not an STD.

Anonymous2016-03-17T07:36:29Z seems as if ur friend is suffering from some fungal infection. the popping out of vagina is due to many reasons. it sometimes happens due to it is not washed properly at times.. so all these problems occur at times.. your friend really needs to go to the Doctor asap.. because for the redness in thighs is ok...u can consider it lightly using some anti bacterial or anti fungal cream..this will really help.. but the popping out vagina is something to be taken care of ....and cured well in time. All the Best. Tkae Care


You have a yeast infection or bacterial infection. Unfortunately, the medication for one will make the other worse. It's time to see your doctor.

Do not use yogurt. Whichever kind of infection it is, the yeast or the bacteria will feast on the yogurt.


DO NOT USE YOGURT!! YOU WILL DIE! I think they meant mayonnaise instead of yogurt! It will help replenish your vagina's natural look!!

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